“Oh…sooo cold..” Jae Joong said as he crouched nearby a tree shivering waiting for Sook Shin. As he began to lose hope as he had been waiting for over 4 hrs… the sun had set and the moon shown brightly reflecting in the lake… As he began to rub his arms trying to warm himself, he got mad at himself for not telling Uncle Yuoung and the boys the time he wanted to execute operation “Get Sooki Back”.. and now he was paying for it.
Just as he was about to give up all hope and go when he saw a candlelight from the direction of Uncle Yuoung’s home and faintly heard the voice he had missed so much.
“Yun, Jun , Chun!!! Where are you? I’m here!!! “ Sook Shin yelled out as she made her way towards the lake, “ Where are they….? They leave a message for me to come here .. and no one is here.. great.. what a way to spend my birthday..”
Jae Joong behind the tree watched as Sook Shin walked by the edge of the lake. The moonlight making the sunflower pins that held her hair back sparkle like little stars, she wore a white dress with sunflowers embroidered at the bottom of the dress. The lace that Sook Shin began to pout as she started tugging at her clothes, “ Why did mom make me wear this..”
Though Sook Shin was complaining, Jae Joong smirked and had to cover his mouth before any laughter could come out. This was the Sook Shin that he longed to see.. not the Sook Shin who remained silent and cold sitting next to him in school. He had missed her cute whining and pouting face. Jae Joong reached for the bag of fireflies quietly and began to release them and as if they knew Jae Joong’s intention for them, the fireflies flew and surrounded Sook Shin encircling her with light.
“Wah!!! So pretty..” Sook Shin screamed gleefully as she began to dance around, her movements, delicate and fluid as she seemed to gracefully follow the movements of the fireflies.
Hyoo~~ bolsso ige myot bonche ilka?
Nan onuldo.. irohge noui jibkaji ogo maraguna
Jae Joong began to sing quietly as he picked up the bouquet of sunflowers and box he had prepared for Sook Shin. Sook Shinn still immersed in her dancing and the beauty of the fireflies did not take notice.
Norul choum mannan nal sori obshi bamse nunun nerigo
kuthdo obshi chajadunun gidarim sarange shijag iosso
gilmothungie soso nunul majumyo norul gidaridaga oh~
dorasonun ashwiume guriumman sahyodo nan sulphuji anha
Jae Joong sang a little louder still with the cover of darkness of the trees trying to catch Sook Shin’s attention. Sook Shin hearing the words stopped and began to look around trying to find the source of the song.
Nun nerigo werobdon bami jinamyon
molliso dullyo onun sebyog jongsori
Honjamane sarangun sulphojinungora marhaji marayo
gude hyanghan guriumun namane goshinde
weroume gasum aphado gu aphumkaji saranghangoya
“Jae Joong oppah?” she said uneasily as she stared into the darkness of the forest.
(Gure onjena...) ne nunaphe guryojin noui mosub
jamdun naui guriumul kewojun mosub
sesange chom mannan hengboge
nan norul chaja yogikaji ogo mangoya
gidarime shijagi aphumiljirado
gidarime kuthi ashwiumiljirado
Jae Joong walked out from behind the tree and toward Sook Shin singing and smiling. Sook Shin seeing this sight could not help but smile and get teary eyed.
[ii] Nan sulphuji anha
nun nerigo werobdon bami jinamyon
molliso dullyo onun sebyog jongsori [/i]
Tears began to fall from her eyes as Jae Joong now stood in front of her. He handed the flowers to Sook Shin who gladly accepted the flowers, holding the flowers to her face, taking in their scent. As she looked back up form the flowers, Jae Joong gently wiped the tears from her face.
Honjamane sarangun sulphojinungora marhaji marayo
gude hyanghan guriumun namane goshinde
weroume gasum aphado gu aphumkaji saranghangoya
gu aphumkaji saranghangoya
And with singing the last line of the song Jae Joong said with a serious yet soft expression, “ Sooki…. I’m sorry for what I said… I didn’t’ mean it… will you forgive me?”
Sook Shin stood there in silence looking at him for a while with tears still streaming down. Jae Joong felt uneasy that there was such a long period of silence, motioned to say something, but was interrupted by Sook Shin jumping into his arms.
“Jae Joong oppah… “ she said as she hugged him tighter, “ Of course I forgive you… I forgave you a long time ago.. but it was my fault too so I didn’t know how to face you … I could never stay mad at you..”
Jae Joong hearing that gave a sigh of relief and took comfort in the warmth that Sook Shin’s embraced provided. Realizing he had forgotten that he had more prepared for her he broke away from her embrace, and turned his back towards her.
“Oppah… “
“Just wait… “ Jae Joong saidi as he pulled out a candle from his pocket, he placed the candle the cookie and lit the candle,” Happy birthday to you … happy birthday to you… happy birthday dear Sooki.. happy birthday to you”
Jae Joong sang as he carefully turned around making sure that the candle did not go out, “ Make a wish Sooki and blow out the candle..”
With a smile she nodded, closed her eyes and made a silent prayer and blew out the candle.
“Happy 14tht birthday Sooki… I’m sorry that I couldn’t get a cake or even seaweed soup for you … “
Sook Shiin shook her head, “ No… don’t be sorry … this is the best thing anyone could have given to me.. thank you oppah, but I have just two questions…”
“How did you know it was my birthday? And how did you know I was going to be here?”
“oh… hahahah” know that if he said that he heard it from Uncle Yuoung would not be so slick he straightened himself out and said , “ Well.. you aren’t the only one with tricks up your sleeve.”
Sook Shin pouted and seeing that he had bested her at last, Jae Joong smiled and gave her a wink, but suddenly turned around embarrassed as Sook Shin began to giggle.
“Oppah? Why did you just blink at me?” she pulled around to face her and then grabbed his face and pulled it outwards, “ or was that a wink?”
Jae Joong pushed her hands away and tried to avoid eye contact, “ umm.. no I was just trying to wet my eyes.. they were getting dry.”
“So you were oppah.. hahahah oppah can’t wink can you … here let me help”
“what??” but before he could say anything Sook Shin grabbed his right eyelid and pulled it up as high as she could.
“Ok oppah now wink.” Sook Shin said with a huge smile as she demonstrated.
“I can’t…and why are you holding my eyelid…. Let go…”
“No… fine blink then… “
“why … “
“Just do it oppah”
She began to look annoyed so reluctantly Jae Joong blinked and right afterward, Sook Shin broke out into laughter.
Jae Joong, frustrated pushed her hand away and to a step toward her as if to hit her, “ What are you laughing about?!?! Is it that funny that I can’t wink? Fine .. I CAN’T WINK !!! Laugh it up”
Sook Shin took a step back and continued to laugh, “ I’m not laughing at that… It’s cute that you can’t wink.. no one can be perfect… well except for me hahahhaha… A thought came into mind… “
“What Sooki?”
“Well just that the next time you have to wink… “
“Well… I’ll have to be there to hold up one of your eyelids… hahahha… I guess there is no escaping from me isn’t it oppah? Hahah”
“You little!!” Jae Joong said very annoyed even though in his mind the thought of her being at his side forever didn’t sound that bad at all.
Jae Joong looked at Sook Shin… wondering how a person could be so full of life and cheerful. Wondering if he could ever be like that… wondering if there would be more times like this with her… if she would be beside him forever. Sook Shin smiled at him and went back to admiring the scenery and the flowers Jae Joong had given her. Without noticing a leaf from a near by tree fell and got caught in her hair, but she paid no attention to it. Jae Joong sighed and walked up to her and removed the leaf from her hair. His eyes were still fixed on Sook Shin as he placed his hand on her cheek.
“huh… oppah? “ Sook Shin said still not paying attention to what Jae Joong was doing. When she looked up at him, his lips had already met with her.
Jae Joong pulled her in closer and closed his eyes, I wish this moment would last forever.
Sook Shin in shock did not know how to react, she dropped the bouquet and froze. Jae Joong opened his eyes and realizing that Sook Shin had no reaction, let go of his embrace and took a step back.
“Sooki… “ Jae Joong said as he began to wave his hand back and forth in front of her face to try to get a response, “Sooki… are you ok ?”
Suddenly she snapped out of her daze. She touched her lips and looked at him. As she started to take a few steps back, “Oppah… you… you… yahh!!!” and without realizing it she fell into the lake.
“Help!!!” she screamed as she began to flail in the lake, “ Oppah!! I can’t swim!! “
And with those last words she disappeared underneath the water.
“Sooki!!!” without any hesitation Jae Joong, still in the hamtaro costume jumped into the ice cold lake. Just as fast as he had jumped in, he resurfaced with Sook Shin, who was coughing up.
“Sooki are you alright?” Jae Joong said as he hugged her tightly.
Still coughing, Sook Shin nodded and replied, “ Yes.. thank you oppah…. I guess I’m not so perfect after all heh heh.” She said as she began to shiver.
“Come on lets go to Uncle Yuoung’s house and dry off.. you’re shivering…”
“Well you are too!!” Sook Shin said as she coughed, “but it’s no use… no one was home and everything seemed to be locked up..”
“Then what should we do… we can’t just stay in these wet clothes … “ Jae Joong said while still hugging Sook Shin when a sudden cold came on him.
“Umm… oppah….”
“Huh.. “ Jae Joong said slightly weakly.
“If you let me go… “ Sook Shin said shyly.. and realizing that he was still holding on to her he let go and moved away from her. I can go gather some branches so we can start a fire.. you have your lighter still right?”
Seeing Sook Shin shiver more and wrap her arms around herself, Jae Joong got up, “ You stay put.. I’ll go find some wood..”
“But.. it would be quicker if I went to find some too..”
“It would be quicker if you would just agree for once and stay put and let oppah take care of it ok ?” Jae Joong said sternly. Seeing that he was not going to take no for an answer Sook Shin nodded in agreement.
Jae Joong slowly made his way into the forest to gather kindling.
After 15 minutes or so, Jae Joong had gathered enough firewood to at least dry themselves off, as he was heading back, he started to feel light headed and blanked out. He came to, and shook it off and began to gather the wood he had dropped, “ I need to get back… “
Slowly Jae Joong made it back and the two started a fire. The two sat closely next to each other in front of the fire. Since there seemed to be an awkward silence Sook Shin began to sing as she looked up at the sky. Jae Joong’s fever had risen but he tried to hide it from Sook Shin and just looked at her as she continued to sing. Jae Joong slowly rested his head on her shoulder that surprised Sook Shin causing her to shift.
“ Oppah!! What are you doing…” she said as she shifted causing Jae Joong to fall into her lap. Sook Shin embarrassed started to whine at and pinch Jae Joong. Not seeing a reaction she touched his forehead and realized that he was sick.
Sook Shin sat him up and began to shake him to try to get him to regain consciousness, “ Oppah!!! Oppah!!! Wake up!!”
Still he did not respond.. this worried Sook Shin. She moved him closer to the fire and hugged him to give him more warmth, “ Please oppah… please… wake up…”
As tears started to stream down her face, Sook Shin decided she had to do something. She put out the fire and grabbed Jae Joong’s backpack and then hoisted Jae Joong onto her back.
With the sudden jolt, Jae Joong came to, “ huh… “
“Oppah… why didn’t you tell me you were sick… if you knew you were sick … why did you come and wait out here… why did you jump into save me… “ Sook Shin said as she started crying.
Jae Joong weakly brought his hand to her faced and wiped her tears away
“Isn’t it obvious…” he said as he tried to laugh, “Sooki.. put me down.. I can walk…”
“No… You did all this for me… let me do something for you…”
“But nothing… I’m going to get you to a doctor…” and with saying that she began to walk.
“…. But that means you’re going to carry me down the mountain into the village?... You’re crazy!!! Let’s just go to Uncle Yuoung’s house and wait for them to come back…”
“I don’t want to take that risk… what if they don’t come home… it’s already really late.. and its getting colder.. NO… we are going… Oppah I’ll be fine… remember I’m the violent tomboy? Hahah”
Jae Joong tried to let out a laugh but he just couldn’t.. sensing that he was about to fall asleep again.. she started talking to him to keep him conscious.
“Oppah… you are heavy… can you do something to give me energy to keep on going?”
“huh…. Like what?”
“umm… sing me that song again!!!”
“Again… do I have to… “
“Sing … or I’ll put you down and roll you down the mountain side.. it would save me from this back pain right now.”
“Ok ok … I’ll sing…”
And with that Jae Joong began to sing the song as Sook Shin carefully made her way through the forest. After a while Jae Joong’s voice began to grow faint about half way down the mountainside and then went completely silent.
“Oppah…Oppah!!!!” Sook Shin screamed as she began to shake Jae Joong. She stopped and felt his forehead.. he was burning, “Oppah!!! Talk to me oppah!!!”
“Sooki…..” Jae Joong responded faintly.
“Sooki…. Sooki… Sooki!!!” Jae Joong screamed as he woke up.
“Daddy !!! Joongie’s finally awake!!!” Bae said with tears in her eyes.
Jae Joong looked around.. he did not recognize where he was.. the last thing he remembered was Sook Shin carrying him through the forest.
“Noonas…Where am I” he said as he tried to pick up his arm, but couldn’t.
“Don’t move Joonie…” Bae said as she slowly raised his bed, “ You’re in the hospital..You’ve been unconscious for a 3 days now…”
“What happened….why does my head hurt…”
“The doctor says you’ll be fine… “
Jae Joong began to look around, but he didn’t see Sook Shin .. only his parents and 8 older sisters.
“Noona where is Sook Shin?”
“Noona tell me!!!” he yelled as he began to tear off the IV unit and other cords attached to him. His father and sisters jumped up to hold him down… in hopes of calming him, but Jae Joong could only think of Sook Shin. If he was in this shape.. what about Sook Shin…
As he was wrestling to break free from the hold his family had on him, he turned to the left and went still. In the bed next to his, laid Sook Shin peacefully asleep and like him with a wrap around her head, but she also had a cast around her right legt and her right arm there was a large bandage.
“What happened to Sooki….” He said as tears began to fall.
His family went silent which angered Jae Joong.
“Tell me!!! What happened!!! Noona!!! Father!! Why is she like that!!!” he yelled, but no one would respond, instead then all looked sad and held their head low.
“Please stop moving around… you might open up your wounds… and then what Sook Shin did would have been in vain. “ a doctor said as she walked into the room and went to Sook Shin’s side.
Jae Joong wondered who this doctor was and then noticed her name tag: Han Mei Rim. Dr. Han lightly brushed away the hair from Sook Shin. She proceeded to check Sook Shin’s vitals and then headed towards Jae Joong.
She looked at Jae Joong letting out a sigh and said, “If you promise not to do anything rash that might aggravate your injuries and rest…I’ll tell you… even though Shinnie said not to say anything…”
And just like that our lives became more entwined… we each owed our lives to one another. To me for saving you from the lake… and to you for carrying me down the mountain to the hospital… but for even more than that…even though we had not openly expressed our love to each other … we were willing to risk our lives for each other.. How could I have ever let a person like you go… Why did you have to disappear from my life…I found you again and swore I’d never let you go… We promised that we would never say goodbye to each other again.. that our story would never end …but now .. has then end of this chapter of our love, our two lives come to an end..is this really the end…
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